Tucker Mountain Forest
Property Details
Tucker Mountain Forest is located in the town of E. Andover, New Hampshire, a picturesque rural community in the Merrimack River Watershed. A public boat launch to Highland Lake and the famed Northern Rail Trail are within five miles of the property.
The town is conveniently located just thirty minutes north of Concord, New Hampshire, the state capitol. More locally, the town sits between Andover (4 miles to the west) and Franklin (11 miles to the east).
Tucker Mountain Forest has a 600-foot right of way and can be accessed from Pieters Road, a Class 6 road located off Tucker Mountain Road. Near the south-central boundary, the right of way exists as an established woods road, entering the land by crossing the neighbor’s property.
Once on the land, it flows in a northerly direction across a field and into the woods before terminating at an established forest opening. It provides an excellent base for a year-round road.
Based upon a review of legal documents, the right of way appears to provide permanent, unrestricted access for ingress and egress to the land. These legal documents are available upon request. Prior to making an offer to purchase the land, buyers should have these documents reviewed by their legal counsel. Internal woods trails cover most of the land’s extremes. Boundaries exist as stone walls, wire fencing, and new blazes.
To visit the property, take Route 11 to the center of East Andover, then west on Maple St. and northwest on Tucker Mountain Road to Pieters Road (corner marked by historical red schoolhouse). Drive north down Pieters Road, and pink flagging is on the right, which marks the right of way into the property — an established road through the abutters field. Please park only in the r.o.w. and not on the neighbor’s property.
Site Description
The land is defined by the 1,631′ Tucker Mountain that runs along the northern boundary, which is also the town line separating the towns of Andover and Hill. The terrain is moderately flat throughout the center of the property. Towards the property’s northern boundary, the land rises steeply as it approaches the top of Tucker Mountain. A short hike leads to expansive southern views near the top.
The southeast half of the property is punctuated by a handful of unnamed knolls as the terrain generally slopes away from the land’s center to a low elevation of 940″ at the land’s southern boundary.
In the center of the property is a small wetland flanked by a steep bowl of mature red oak and hemlock that rises dramatically to the top of Tucker Mountain. This wetland is the source of a pristine year-round stream that flows off the property into the valley below. Impressive glacial erratics can be found at various points throughout the property.
The property offers an attractive timber resource that is fully stocked. Over 50 years of prudent management has resulted in a forest dominated by mature red oak with a cohort of white pine and hemlock. The existing age classes include a percentage of pole and small saw timber 20-40 years of age, while a percentage of the diameter class is mature sawtimber 70 years old and older. Species are dominated by red oak, which occupies nearly 40% of the species composition. The quality is exceptional, with many stems that are 18“ in diameter and larger. The other major species are white pine and hemlock. Red maple and beech comprise the remaining species. In the steeper portions of the property, mature hemlock and red oak are present.
Thinning to improve forest health and growth can occur at any time. The property is well poised for a harvest, which could provide immediate cash flow upon purchase. A forest management plan and timber inventory were performed in April 2024. A copy is available upon request. The oak component provides mast for the local wildlife population. Evidence of deer and bear exist throughout the property.
Parcel Map
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Stuart Bevin
New Hampshire Real Estate Agent
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