Brokerage Services
Brokerage Services
Fountains Land is a land marketing company with specific expertise in natural resources and a powerful advertising network that reaches land buyers worldwide. We have been a leader in land brokerage since 1980 with a proven track record of connecting buyers and sellers – including families, institutions, and conservation organizations. Our skilled brokerage team has successfully managed both small and large complex sales.
Our core strengths are rooted in years of land marketing and consulting with a team of brokers educated in the fields of forestry and natural resources. Our brokerage and consulting services are further enhanced by our forest management business, F&W Forestry Services, and the many partnerships we have cultivated with land appraisers, attorneys, and financial advisors. These diverse relationships enable us to offer clients a comprehensive suite of services that is unique to our land and rural estate brokerage.
Comprehensive Marketing
We provide buyers all the necessary details about a property in a format that is informative and easy to understand. We are well-known for our comprehensive property reports offering descriptive narratives about location, access, natural resources, taxes, and special features, as well as GIS-based maps. On properties where timber represents significant value, we provide a timber valuation detailing the forest species products, volumes, and current stumpage values.
Buyer Representation
While most of our clients are sellers, we also provide buyer representation services under special arrangements. In this capacity, we work closely with the buyer to understand their desired property type and utilize our extensive contacts and natural resource expertise to identify properties that meet the buyer’s criteria. This process can include developing a broker opinion of value, and if it is an investment property, a Pro Forma, including cash flow, net present value, and expected rate of return analysis.

Our Expertise + Informed Clients = Success
In meeting our clients’ goals, we identify every component of value – infrastructure, residences, site amenities, income/development potential, conservation opportunity, agricultural aspects, and timber value.
We ensure that our clients are well-informed about property valuation, that their property is marketed under the most effective strategies, and that their goals are achieved within the expected timeframe.

From beginning to end, the talented team at Fountains Land is committed to delivering value each step of the way. Our success is founded on one simple principle: provide superior service and marketing expertise to help landowners achieve their goals in a timely manner.
If you are a landowner who is considering selling your land or rural estate and would benefit from Fountains Land’s unique expertise, please contact one of our personable, knowledgeable brokers today to get started!
Proven Industry Experts
Fountains Land is a trade name of F&W Forestry Services. F&W Forestry is an international forest resource management and consulting firm dedicated to helping landowners and investors gain the most value and enjoyment from their forestland.
F&W Forestry clients own their forestland for a wide variety of reasons. Owning a forest provides multiple benefits. It can be an investment, a business, a personal enjoyment, and a legacy for your family. In all cases, we believe that well-managed forests can be economically viable, and that science-based management provides tangible, and valuable results.
Forest ownership is a long-term proposition, but it is also an active one that requires thoughtful management to reach its full potential. At F&W Forestry, we are consultants, CPAs, and real estate professionals but moreover, we are highly credentialed foresters. Extensive experience in timber markets, dedication to sustainable practice, and a passion for staying abreast of industry trends keeps us on the cutting edge of forest management. It also helps us keep our clients’ investment growing, healthy and productive, long into the future.
We are committed to helping our clients achieve the most from their timberland by offering customized forest investment and management services tailored to their specific needs. We offer expertise to help you acquire, manage, and sell timber.
More about F&W Forestry Services can be found at